ResultsIQ Blog

Tips, trends, and tools for improving your marketing, sales & customer service operations so you can reach your customers and grow revenue.

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Customer Service

Customer Service & Virtual Assistants

3 min read

Customer Service & Virtual Assistants: Automated or Human?

When someone says “virtual assistant,” you may be confused about exactly what the speaker is referring to, because it could easily be one of two...

Building a Strong Customer Reference Program

5 min read

Building a Strong Customer Reference Program

There are few things more important to sales and marketing than customer references. Prospects want to speak with them, marketing wants to use them...

Three Tips to Stop Getting Hung Up on Before it Happens

3 min read

Three Tips to Stop Getting Hung Up on Before it Happens

If you’re making sales calls, especially cold calls, people are going to hang up on you. No one likes it, but it’s part of the cost of doing...

Strategies to Increase Customer Retention Growth

3 min read

Strategies for Increasing Customer Retention and Accelerating Growth

Winning new customers is critical for growth, but it may not be the most effective way to increase your organization’s revenue. You could see even...

NPS: The Most Powerful Stat for Sales, Marketing and Service

4 min read

NPS: The Most Powerful Stat for Sales, Marketing and Service

In business, there’s rarely a magic bullet that determines whether your company will succeed or fail. But as a description of the Net Promoter Score...